SEPTEMBER 5-8,2024
"Celebrate the 70's!"

Here's a preview of what you can find on our website:

Join Us For Fun!
CRAFT ALLEY- open Saturday of the festival
Explore the crafty corners of local communities and hear from non-profits from the area!
Each vendor will have the opportunity to show off their creations while non-profits raise awareness!
If interested in participating as a vendor or organization, please refer to the Vendor Information tab.
FOOD ALLEY- open Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Classic festival food from a variety of vendors to satisfy everyone's cravings! Come for any meal and indulge in BBQ goodness, spiral spuds, pies, elephant ears, and much more.
Come hungry and leave with a full belly and a smile!
KID'S ZONE- Saturdays
Kids activities for all ages will be found throughout the festival this year!
Stop by with your family or friends and win fun prizes!
Check out our schedule of events for all activities.
There are lots of activities that you can get involved in such as entering the Pie Eating Contest, Bake your Best Cake or Cookies and win cash prizes, or enter the Pet Parade! See our events page for information and applications to enter!

We have plenty of live music, dancers, Indiana Wild, Joy Pleasers Clowns, and so much more
to keep you entertained, and the best part? It's all family-friendly and free!
Check out our Entertainment page.

Home of the 2024 Indiana State Festival Queen, Melanie Gebhart! We have several opportunities for children and young ladies to earn scholarship money for school! Check out our Roanoke Royalty page on how you can enter our Miss Roanoke Fall Festival, Roanoke Junior Queen, Roanoke Princess, or Little Miss and Mister Roanoke. Our Miss Roanoke Fall Festival will also represent us at the Indiana State Festival Association Scholarship Pageant for a chance at additional scholarship money in November.
New!! Jebi's Ice Cream Eating Contest on the Events Page!
Roanoke Fall Festival Parade
Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 3 p.m.
Our annual parade is sponsored by the
American Legion Post #160 of Roanoke. Theme: "Celebrate the 70's!"
Please visit their Facebook page or call them at
260-672-2298 for more information. Click the pdf for a form >>>>>>
We hope you’re able to attend.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
PO Box 86
Roanoke, IN 46783